Meet a Libra

Hello there... welcome to my blog... it's new... and still in the works... but here's a little bit about why I'm here and who I am... you'll learn more later if you don't already know the real me.

I'm a libra and there's no doubt about it.  Born September 28th-yup, primetime Libra.  When I typed "libra" into Google these words were the descriptors for Libras like myself: "balanced, flirty, stylish, dreamy, affectionate, outgoing, indecisive, lazy, relationships". Yup that's me-totally dreamy.....    

I'm going to begin by telling you how these words describe me, but most importantly, how they will affect this blog, and in the end, how they will affect you (the reader).

Okay let's start (and end) with the most important: balance.  The sign of the Libra is the scales, which represent the balance we have within ourselves and within our lives.  Now, balance is such a hard thing to accomplish and I believe that I struggle with balance everyday and who knows when everything in my life will be balanced, but that's where this blog comes in.  It's going to help me, because I want to help you.  Now, I'm sure you're like... "what does that even mean?" BUT seriously... I hold my tongue as I talk to people or even my theoretical tongue when on social media when it comes to nutrition, exercise, daily lifestyle choices, thoughts, touchy subjects, etc.  because I don't want to offend anyone.  Therefore, this blog will help me get my thoughts out without offending anyone, because it's ultimately your choice whether or not you want to read this.  If there's something you don't agree with on here, then leave.  If you're here to stay, then good, because I'm excited to help you balance your life and maybe (hopefully) change some pieces of your lifestyle to help better the balance of your body and mind.  

I'm writing this blog to 1. help myself balance many aspects of my own life (all of which you don't need to know right now) and 2. help you  better yourselves as a living, breathing human.  Basically, I want you to know what's best for your health, your everyday life, and tons of other things; but the problem is, I can't always say these things without offending people- because guess what- I KNOW CHANGE IS HARD!! But we all have to deal with changes in our lives.   

I'd like to thank an anonymous person for suggesting this to me, because I'm really excited to help people and at the same time help myself!  So read on if you still want to be here! 

I don't know how often I'll be blogging, but it will probably be based on my daily thoughts, however, it may be lagged due to my busy schedule.  But, if I get enough feedback or encouragement or suggestions or questions or whatever it may be more often than anticipated. So here we go... welcome and I'm glad you're here to stay............ for now ;)

Also, if you ever have any questions, suggestions, etc. PLEASE email me (, text me if you have my number, Facebook me (although I don't go on a lot), or comment on the blog! Because again, I'm here to help you.  And THANK YOU in advance because I know this will help me as well.

This is my boyfriend that I'm flirty with:
Just kidding, I would never date a libra- we aren't compatible with each other.
Click here to see who you are compatible with ;)

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